Apply for the Summer Internship in Behavioral Economics at Duke

The Center for Advanced Hindsight (CAH) at Duke University is accepting applications for a summer internship program in behavioral economics. The six-week program begins on June 20th and ends on July 30th. For more about the CAH team, see our website, and for more about Dan Ariely see

The CAH is a diverse team of researchers with training in social and cognitive psychology, behavioral economics, marketing, public policy, and general judgment and decision-making. This internship will be a valuable experience for hard-working students who are interested in gaining research experience in these areas in preparation for graduate training or professional careers in these fields. As such, we encourage students with limited access to research opportunities, as well as members of groups underrepresented in science, to apply.

Interns will spend approximately 40 hours each week working in collaboration with CAH research assistants, faculty, and post-docs and will be involved with planning and conducting experiments in the lab and field, as well as some data entry and analysis. Interns will also learn about topics central to behavioral economics and have chances to study and discuss research with leaders in the field. At the end of the six weeks, interns will propose and receive feedback on a project of their own stemming from what they have learned over the summer.

Interns will be provided with housing. The CAH is located at Duke, in the heart of Durham (the Northeast point of the Research Triangle).


To apply, please submit the following to with the subject header “CAH Durham Internship Application” as a single pdf document by April 15th, 2016:

1. A resume or curriculum vitae. Please include your university, major, relevant courses, research experience, GPA, and email address.

2. A one-page cover letter describing why you would like to attend the program, what your research interests are, what your experience in the behavioral sciences is, and what you hope to gain from the internship. You should also include the answer to the following: If a random package suddenly showed up in your mail, what would you want it to be and why?

3. A letter of recommendation from a member of your academic community (a graduate student, post-doctoral researcher or professor). This may be sent separately if you need.

Applicants will be notified of their status by April 29th.