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Helping Remote Employees Towards a Healthier Lifestyle Some Insights from MTurkers
By Nina Bartmann, Jonathan Corbin, Ziyi Yan Image by Paico Oficial from Unsplash Remote work is here to stay In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, around March 2020, most companies across the U.S….
Health, Health Management, Exercise / AUGUST 5 2021
Breaking the Status Quo: Women who changed Science
(Image Credit: As March comes to close, we feel like it is appropriate to look back at Women’s History Month by celebrating influential women in the social sciences. It started in 1978 as…
Behavioral Economics & Psychology, Health / MARCH 30 2020
Behavioral Science Workshop: Working with Centene to Improve Patient Care
Medical professionals live busy lives, so when the folks at Centene decided to come to a behavioral science workshop for two days, we wanted to make sure the visit was well worth the effort….
Health / FEBRUARY 6 2020
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World Team Travels the World
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How to Increase the Joy of Giving
Are you considering giving to a charity this holiday season? Before answering yes and getting your checkbook out, there is some research you should be aware of and tactics to consider! Charitable giving is…
The Ideal Startup Teams for The CAH Startup Lab
The CAH is inviting health and finance startups to join the Startup Lab program (October ’17-June ’18). Applications are only open until June 30th at 5pm EST– Apply now. Wondering if your startup team…
Translating Good Intentions Into Actions
By Kristen Berman, Wendy De La Rosa and Dan Ariely – Common Cents Lab, Duke University According to recent research, 57 percent of American adults say they are struggling financially. Considering how powerfully financial…