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The Mbrella Calendar: Helping Kenyan Families Track Their Savings for Health Insurance

Mbrella is a charitable organization devoted to helping impoverished Kenyan families buy health insurance. Mbrella connects donors with Kenyan mothers and employs a number of behavioral interventions meant to help the mother gain enough…

World, Saving For Healthcare, Saving for Emergencies   /   NOVEMBER 12 2019

Can Behavioral Tech Help Save Healthcare?

Discussions about health insurance reform have recently occupied brilliant minds around the world. Last month, Ting Jiang, Principal of the global team, gave a talk about the role of behavioral technology in health insurance…

Behavioral Economics & Psychology, World, Saving For Healthcare, Saving for Emergencies   /   MARCH 5 2019

Games for Health Europe – Prescribing Games as Therapy

Global team members Ting Jiang, Jan Willem Lindemans, and Rebecca Kelley attended the 8th Games for Health Europe conference in Eindhoven, the Netherlands between October 8-9. The largest conference on games for health in…

World, Saving For Healthcare, Saving for Emergencies   /   NOVEMBER 28 2018